News / Articles
SPBC Newsletter -- 2023-07
Upcoming Events
SPBC Watermelon Social at the Adopt-A-Mile Pinellas Trail cleanup, July 30: If you are riding the Pinellas Trail near Stonehenge Park (30th Ave N) between 830-10a, stop by the SPBC Watermelon and Water Station for a refreshing midsummer social. Everyone is welcome, including members, friends and family, future members...and anyone who passes by! Starting at 7:30a, board members and club volunteers are invited to meet up and help clean up this section of the Pinellas Trail which the club has adopted. To volunteer to help with the cleanup, email John Sinibaldi. To stop and slurp some watermelon, just show up!
Bicyclists Go Bowling, Aug 20: Set aside a Sunday afternoon for strikes and spares with your fellow SPBC members. $20 Bowling fee includes shoes and ball rental. 2-5p at Sunrise Lanes, 6393 9th St N, St. Petersburg.
- Endless Summer Watermelon Ride, Sept 10: Saint Johns County Fairgrounds, Elkton, FL.
- Veterans Day Bike Ride, Nov 11: Benefiting the Long Walk Home, Inc, this event offers 10-, 32- and 55-mile loops that start at Ft DeSoto County Park. Registration fee includes a T-shirt and a full steak lunch at the end of the ride. The Veterans Day Bike Ride supports vets as they make the transition from military life to civilian life.
- Volunteer of the Year Party, Nov 12: 4p at PAWS (Pinellas Ale Works), St Petersburg.
- SPBC Holiday Party, Dec 3: St Pete Yacht Club.
The Pinellas Bay Way Trail
by Gordon Brown
There’s a new way to bicycle through Tierra Verde to Fort DeSoto County Park. The Florida Dept of Transportation (FDOT) has completed construction of The Pinellas Bay Way Trail, a 6.7 mile two way bike lane which runs along State Rt 679 from 54th Ave S. to Fort DeSoto.
The new path is for all cyclists, but will be especially popular with casual and recreational cyclists because it’s physically separated from motor vehicle traffic.
As part of an FDOT planned road resurfacing project in Tierra Verde, the state transportation department included a bike trail which had been previously adopted in the Forward Pinellas Active Transportation Plan to connect existing trails to the north and south. The state constructed a four mile "cycle track," completed in May 2023, which connected the existing multi-use trail to Ft DeSoto County Park.
What's a "cycle track?"
Although you may not be familiar with the term, you probably are familiar with this cycling infrastructure. According to Wikipedia, "A cycle track...is an exclusive bikeway that has elements of a separated path and on-road bike lane. A cycle track is located within or next to the roadway, but is made distinct from both the sidewalk and general purpose roadway by vertical barriers or elevation differences."
 FDOT chose to locate the bi-directional bikeway in the roadway after consultation with local residents; an earlier proposal would have impacted landscaping which the HOA’s had planted in the public right of way.

Location of Pinellas Bay Way Cycle Track. Source: Florida DOT
ICYMI (In case you missed it)

"Adopt A Mile" Pinellas Trail Cleanup, 5/21/2023

Tour de Respect, 5/28/2023
Bike To School Day, 5/3/2023
Board Business -- Highlights of June/July SPBC Board Meetings
- Long Walk Home: Duane Stamm and Ron
Zaleski asked the SPBC for logistical support and to recruit
participants for their 11/11 event that raises funds to help Marine
veterans make transitions by experiencing a new mission. They are
asking the club to mark routes and provide ride marshals.
Our first Adopt-A-Mile on the Pinellas Trail was held on 5/21. Next clean-up
scheduled for Sunday, July 30.
Holiday Party will be held in the Harborview Room of the St Pete
Yacht Club on Dec 3. Despite news of its future demolition,
the club will be open and ready to host our event.
- Next Board Meeting is Mon Aug 14 at 6:30p. To join this meeting via ZOOM, please contact John Sinibaldi for the login info.
Welcome New Members
Michele Barlow
Norm Beausoleil
Sarah Cerniglia
Dan Chambers
Jeremy Hutson
Helen W Jacobse
Clarence Leist |
Rami Mitri
John Mrosek
Joanna Southerland
Duane C Stamm
Lara N Wojahn
Paul S Webb
Matt Wren
Where in the World...?

Ethan & Trudy Bixby and Karen & Wayne Martens traveled to Christchurch on the south island of New Zealand for a two week, mostly gravel ride.
And Finally...
It’s a particular point in time.
An object acting at a distance.
An important effect or influence on one.
Today a large white-tailed deer just
Twenty-five yards ahead -
Trotted rhythmically, unafraid along my bicycle path.
I watched for a glorious 300 feet or so,
Then it disappeared to the right on a perfect path it knew.
It was a rhapsodic “Moment,” jubilant!

There's more than one way to beat the St Pete heat, as seen along the Pinellas Trail in St Petersburg. Ride a little, pluck a little (then rinse and repeat).
The St. Petersburg Bicycle Club Board of Directors
John A Sinibaldi Jr, President
Mark Franchetti, Vice President
Kris Woodcock, Secretary
Daniel Bode, Treasurer
Rafael Rivera, Membership
Dave Zornow, Newsletter/Communications
John Byrd
Dave Joffe
Peter E Wray
Bruce Sobut, Webmaster
St. Petersburg Bicycle Club, Inc.
PO Box 76023
St. Petersburg, FL 33734
The St. Petersburg Bicycle Club, Inc. (SPBC) is a non-profit, social and recreational club that exists to promote safe, satisfying bicycling opportunities to both club members and the general public of all ages and skill levels, through planned activities and events.
© Copyright 2025 St. Petersburg Bicycle Club